Friday, September 5, 2014

Center for Families takes a slimy new spin on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Friday, September 5, 2014 at 11:45am at Center for Families, 2120 Fordem Ave - Madison.

Staff and Board members of Center for Families have been nominated to complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in support of raising money for the treatment and prevention of ALS, or "Lou Gehrig's Disease”.   To show their support for ALS, as well as raising awareness for the prevention of child abuse, Center for Families will be putting a new spin on the challenge.  A slimy challenge.

With the help of the children from the Play & Learn Program and the Respite Center, staff and Board members will be on the receiving end of getting slime dumped on them (instead of ice) during the sensory-play activity.  For the children, this sensory-play activity will teach them about physical properties, practice sharing and taking turns, exploring their senses, learning about cause and effect, strengthening muscles in hands and fingers, and how to have fun and hopefully create a lasting memory of community support.

Slimed participants will be making a financial donation to ASL as well as making a matching donation to Center for Families.  Monies raised for Center for Families will go to support the fundamental work provided to strengthen families and prevent child abuse in our community.  

Visit our Facebook page to see the videos and photos!