Friday, November 21, 2014

Your support is needed, appreciated, and meaningful

Nurture, Protect, and Teach.  These powerful words describe how we support parents in their efforts to build strong families and keep children safe.
  • Last year, 5,460 contacts were made to our Respite Center; resulting in 27,966 hours of child care for Dane County children.  We can predict in certainty that our 2014 numbers will exceed this amount.  
  • Through three unique Home Visiting programs, families received parenting education using the Love & Logic and Parent as Teachers curriculum's.  Over 90% of participants report an increase in their understanding of their child’s development and learning needs.
  • Weekly programming of our Parent Support Groups empowers parents to be their child’s greatest first teacher.  Participants gained knowledge of child development, alternatives to physical discipline and reported a reduction in isolation; all factors in the prevention of child abuse.
  • Early Childhood Education programs at Center for Families are currently helping nearly 700 area families with evidence-based early literacy and school readiness.  Children, ages 0 to 5, and their parents participate in Play & Learn and the Parent-Child Home Program to provide the child(ren) a head start in their future academic success.
Center for Families programs are vital to the health of our community. Last year alone we helped parents to nurture, protect and teach more than 1,200 children.

These services would not be possible without the generosity and support of people like you; those that care about the future of Dane County’s children.  Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of families. Consider a donation to Center for Families today and help build strong stable families and promising futures. 

Every dollar is appreciated and significant, so any amount is meaningful and put to very good use sustaining our programs.  In fact, $0.83 of every dollar is put towards direct services to children and families.

 There are many ways you can give:

  • Donate appreciated stock, life insurance policies or other non-cash property 
  • Consider including Center for Families in your will or through a bequest.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Enhancing Oral & Community Health

Center for Families is pleased to partner with Artisan Dental in offering new patients a $50 discount off any preventive, restorative, or cosmetic dental service.  Artisan Dental will also donate $50 to Center for Families!

Call today to book your appointment before December 31, 2014 to receive this deal.

Phone: 608.467.8022
You can also find them on Facebook

Monday, November 3, 2014

Nonprofits: Ignite presentaion by Teri Weiland at Madison Nonprofit Day

 Nonprofits:Ignite is a high-energy nonprofit share powered by Ignite Madison. Madison Nonprofit Day joined forces with Ignite Madison to create an inspired segment of the Madison Nonprofit Day Conference (#MadisonNonprofitDay) held on October 2, 2014 at the Monona Terrace & Convention Center.

Presenters from five (5) nonprofits got five minutes to share their story. Each presentation is composed of 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds.  Click image above to view the video or visit:

Center for Families' Program Manager, Teri Weiland, discusses our agency merger in 2011 and what this has meant to the families we serve. This video is compact overview of the services offered by Center for Families.  Check it out and let us know what you think!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Yelp Helps: Celebrating Every Day Heroes

Those who look to make their mark on Madison joined Yelp for the first-ever Yelp Helps event that celebrated every day heroes.

In collaboration with Madison Nonprofit Day & Northside Planning Council, 10 local nonprofits displayed their work and provided opportunities for the community to pledge their support and volunteer interests.

Center for Families held a Discovery Toy making station to demonstrate how children learn through play.  Participants made toys using every day materials and donated them back to the Center to be distributred to the children we serve in our Respite, Play & Learn, and Home Visiting programs.

We greatly appreciate those that attended Yelp Helps and a special thank you to those that engaged with our activity.

For more information about Yelp Helps, visit:

Friday, September 5, 2014

Center for Families takes a slimy new spin on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Friday, September 5, 2014 at 11:45am at Center for Families, 2120 Fordem Ave - Madison.

Staff and Board members of Center for Families have been nominated to complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in support of raising money for the treatment and prevention of ALS, or "Lou Gehrig's Disease”.   To show their support for ALS, as well as raising awareness for the prevention of child abuse, Center for Families will be putting a new spin on the challenge.  A slimy challenge.

With the help of the children from the Play & Learn Program and the Respite Center, staff and Board members will be on the receiving end of getting slime dumped on them (instead of ice) during the sensory-play activity.  For the children, this sensory-play activity will teach them about physical properties, practice sharing and taking turns, exploring their senses, learning about cause and effect, strengthening muscles in hands and fingers, and how to have fun and hopefully create a lasting memory of community support.

Slimed participants will be making a financial donation to ASL as well as making a matching donation to Center for Families.  Monies raised for Center for Families will go to support the fundamental work provided to strengthen families and prevent child abuse in our community.  

Visit our Facebook page to see the videos and photos!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Center for Families becomes signatory in the Baskin v Bogan marriage equality case

Center for Families has agreed to be a Signatory on a child-focused amicus brief in the Baskin v. Bogan marriage equality case pending in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is a marriage equality case from Indiana; however, Wisconsin is part of the 7th circuit, so they are seeking signatories from several organizations in our state.  We are proud to be part of the efforts to end marriage discrimination in the United States. As a signatory, the name Center for Families will be included on a list of supporting organizations along with the following statement.

 “Center for Families’ mission is to partner with parents to nurture, protect and teach their children.   We provide a number of services that are consistent with and support this mission.  To be useful to all caregivers of children, we work on the principle that a family is defined by its members - the people who support and care for each other on a regular basis.   But, we know, access to private, social supports is not enough for families.  For parents/caregivers to be successful, an infrastructure of public policies and laws that support all families is essential.  We believe that marriage discrimination is a road block for many families, inhibiting their ability to give their children one of the things they need to be competent and contributing adults; the knowledge that their parent’s relationship is respected and recognized socially and legally.

Oral arguments in this case, Baskin v. Bogan, have been scheduled for August 26th, 2014.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

“Paint the Town Blue” celebrates the work of Center for Families on behalf of area children and families

Contact: Julie Sheldon
Direct: 608.729.1142

“Paint the Town Blue” celebrates the work of Center for Families
on behalf of area children and families

Event is Thursday, August 14, 2014 from 5:30-8:00 pm 
at the Center for Families offices, 2120 Fordem Ave.

Madison, WI (July 10, 2014) -- The staff and board of Center for Families invites the community to share in great food, music, and celebratory socializing—while learning more about the Center’s important work on behalf of children and families.

A highlight of the evening will be the Center’s “Good People Awards,” honoring the unsung heroes of our community who are making a difference through their support of the Center’s valuable work.  This year’s award recipients are

  • Helping Good People Do Good Things Award:   Madison Community Foundation
  • Good as Gold Award:   Steve Goldberg, Executive Director, CUNA  Mutual  Group Foundation
  • Good Works Award:  WINGS (Women in God’s Service) Quilting Group
  • Good Company Award:   Baird Financial Group
  • Good Conversation Award:   Rev. Dr.  Alexander Gee, Jr, Pastor of Fountain of Life Covenant Church and the President/Founder of the Nehemiah Center 
  • Fight the Good Fight, Run the Good Race AwardErica Nelson, Race to Equity Project
We will also feature:
  • Live Music by local performer, Troye Shanks
  • Delicious Food and dessert from Market Street Catering
  • Fellowship with other Center Supporters
  • Silent Auction
  • Children’s Art Show, featuring the creations of children we serve
  • Agency and Program Tours: an opportunity to learn more about our valuable work with children & families from the people who are making it happen
In keeping with past “Paint the Town Blue” traditions, the entire building will be decked out in its finest, resonant with the blue hues of the local and national “blue ribbon campaign against child abuse” in which the Center plays a crucial role. 

Throughout the evening, our staff and the members of our board of directors will serve as ambassadors, helping lead tours and answer questions.”

Ticket fees and monies raised will go to support the fundamental work we do to strengthen families and prevent child abuse.  Guests are asked to make reservations and payment through the organization’s website at .    Contact Julie Sheldon for more information at 608.729.142 or