Friday, November 21, 2014

Your support is needed, appreciated, and meaningful

Nurture, Protect, and Teach.  These powerful words describe how we support parents in their efforts to build strong families and keep children safe.
  • Last year, 5,460 contacts were made to our Respite Center; resulting in 27,966 hours of child care for Dane County children.  We can predict in certainty that our 2014 numbers will exceed this amount.  
  • Through three unique Home Visiting programs, families received parenting education using the Love & Logic and Parent as Teachers curriculum's.  Over 90% of participants report an increase in their understanding of their child’s development and learning needs.
  • Weekly programming of our Parent Support Groups empowers parents to be their child’s greatest first teacher.  Participants gained knowledge of child development, alternatives to physical discipline and reported a reduction in isolation; all factors in the prevention of child abuse.
  • Early Childhood Education programs at Center for Families are currently helping nearly 700 area families with evidence-based early literacy and school readiness.  Children, ages 0 to 5, and their parents participate in Play & Learn and the Parent-Child Home Program to provide the child(ren) a head start in their future academic success.
Center for Families programs are vital to the health of our community. Last year alone we helped parents to nurture, protect and teach more than 1,200 children.

These services would not be possible without the generosity and support of people like you; those that care about the future of Dane County’s children.  Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of families. Consider a donation to Center for Families today and help build strong stable families and promising futures. 

Every dollar is appreciated and significant, so any amount is meaningful and put to very good use sustaining our programs.  In fact, $0.83 of every dollar is put towards direct services to children and families.

 There are many ways you can give:

  • Donate appreciated stock, life insurance policies or other non-cash property 
  • Consider including Center for Families in your will or through a bequest.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Enhancing Oral & Community Health

Center for Families is pleased to partner with Artisan Dental in offering new patients a $50 discount off any preventive, restorative, or cosmetic dental service.  Artisan Dental will also donate $50 to Center for Families!

Call today to book your appointment before December 31, 2014 to receive this deal.

Phone: 608.467.8022
You can also find them on Facebook

Monday, November 3, 2014

Nonprofits: Ignite presentaion by Teri Weiland at Madison Nonprofit Day

 Nonprofits:Ignite is a high-energy nonprofit share powered by Ignite Madison. Madison Nonprofit Day joined forces with Ignite Madison to create an inspired segment of the Madison Nonprofit Day Conference (#MadisonNonprofitDay) held on October 2, 2014 at the Monona Terrace & Convention Center.

Presenters from five (5) nonprofits got five minutes to share their story. Each presentation is composed of 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds.  Click image above to view the video or visit:

Center for Families' Program Manager, Teri Weiland, discusses our agency merger in 2011 and what this has meant to the families we serve. This video is compact overview of the services offered by Center for Families.  Check it out and let us know what you think!